divendres, 29 d’abril del 2011

Frases Imprescindibles

Hola, bon dia: hi, goedemorgen
Com estas?: hoe gaat het?

Giri a la dreta i després a l’esquerra: beurt recht en vervolgens links
Tot recte i ho trobaras: rechte lijn vind ik

A quina hora surt el tren?: Op dat moment wordt er een speciale trein? ()
On es troba la parada de l’autobús: waar het busstation? ()

Quant val?; Hoeveel het waard?
Tens canvi?; U hebt veranderen?

Avui fa fred; Vandaag is het koud
Calor; warm
Ennuvolat; bewolkt
Plujós; regenachtig
Neu; sneeuw
Quin temps farà dema?; Wat tijd zal morgen doen?

A quina hora berenem? Op dat moment vanwege?
On menjarem?: waar zullen we eten?
Quin restaurant em recomanes? welk restaurant raden jullie aan?

Quin és un bon hotel? dat is een goed hotel?
L’habitació esta en mal estat: De kamer is in slechte staat!
Hotel de 5 estrelles?: Hotel van 5 sterren?

Quin es el numero de la policia?: dat is het nummer van de politie?
On hi ha un hospital?: waar een ziekenhuis
Quin és el número de l’ambulancia?: Dit is het aantal van l'ambulance?

Vermell, blau, verd, amarillo, taronja, rosa: rood, blauw, groen, geel, oranje, roze
Un, dos, tres, quatre, cinc, sis, set, vuit, nou i deu: Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen en tien
Cap, braç, cama, má, peu: hoofd, arm, been, hand, voet

Entrar; binnenlopen
Sortir; uitvaren
Girar; draaien
Saltar; springen
Ajupir-se; eend 

Utilitzat traductor de google.

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2011

Eix Cronològic

Aquí hi afegim una fotografia de l'eix cronològic a presentar.


Zénobe Théophile Gramme

Zénobe Théophile Gramme was electrical engineer and a scientist. He was born in Jehay-Bodegnée, Belgium in 1826 and he died in Bois-Colombes, France in 1901. He was the son of a worker of a tax office. His family was a modest family.

He was born when people were starting investigate about the electricity. In that epoch there were a lot of scientists making theories about this new type of energy. Only a half of century before the birth of Zénobe Gramme, had started the Industrial Revolution.

He didn’t finish the school, he left the school at an early age and he started to work as a joiner. After a time his family went to Lieja. They stayed there until 1855. In Lieja he was married with Hortensia Nysten. In 1855 his family and Gramme moved to Paris.

He didn’t have any education, but he was a good worker of crafts because he had worked as a joiner and he had experience in this type of things. Because of this, in Paris, he started to work as a model maker in a workshop. There he started to show interest about the electricity. He left the work of model maker and he stayed in his house reading a lot of books about engineering for a lot of time.

In 1867 he made a motor of alternating current and in 1869 he improved the dynamo. Gramme’s dynamo was presented in the Académie des Sciences in 1871. His invention was successful, the other scientists soon noticed about the importance of this type of dynamo. With Marcel Deprez and Arsène d’ Arsonval, he discovered a form to transmit electricity on long distances.

In 1871 Gramme became associated with Hippolyte Fontaine and both continued making electric machines. The same year Fontaine and Gramme with the help of the count Ivernois, that helped them with the money, opened a factory, the Société des Machines Magnéto-Électriques Gramme. This factory made Gramme’s inventions like the dynamo and others. Gramme won a lot of money with the factory,  he bought a better house and he improved his level of life.

In 1890 Hortensia Nysten, Gramme’s wife died, but he soon married with another women, in 1891, with Antonie Schentur a women younger than Gramme.

Zénobe Gramme received the awards “Volta Prize by Louis Napoleon” in 1852 and  “Commander of the Order of Leopold I of Belgium” in 1898. This  award last is an honorific Belgian title that shows that Gramme was important in the country of Belguim.

Gramme finally died in 1901. When he died his wife published some of Gramme’s scripts that had written theories about electricity and magnetism. Unfortunately a lot of those theories were wrong. When he died he didn’t know how to make basic mathematics operations but nevertheless his inventions and his researches have been  important in the modern technology around the world.

Sources and helping webs:
http://translate.google.es/#es|en| (only for some words, not whole sentences)

dilluns, 4 d’abril del 2011

Fitxa Tècnica


-Bèlgica està situada a Europa
-Fa frontera al sud amb Luxemburg, a l’est amb Alemanya a l’oest amb França i al nord amb Holanda. 
-Les seves dimensions són de 30528 km quadrats.
-La seva capital Brussel·les. Entre les ciutats importants estan la capital, Brujas, Amberes, Gante i Lieja.

-Bèlgica té una monarquia parlamentària, és a dir que el rei fa de cap de l’estat però no té els poders legislatiu ni executiu. Fa més aviat de representant del país.
-En el cas de Bèlgica el rei és Albert II i el primer ministre Yves Leterme.

-El sector que predomina a Bèlgica és el sector de serveis.
-El seu PIB era de 36.048 dòlars per càpita al 2009
-La seva moneda moneda és l’Euro

-Hi han 10.827.000 habitants
-Té una densitat de 354.6 hab/km².
-La seva tassa de migració és de 1,22 migrant/1.000 habitants, és a dir hi entra més gent al país de la que surt, per cada 1000 habitants hi entra un immigrant.
-Un 75% del país es catòlic, després hi han protestants, en menor mesura i també islam i judaisme

-Té 3 llengües oficials, l’Holandès (Flamenc), Francés, Alemany.
-Bèlgica és conegut per la seva xocolata i la seva cervesa.
-Alguns monuments, situats a Brusel·les: La Grand Place, l’Atomium, la Catedral de San Miguel y Santa Gúdula.
-A Brujas: L’Església de la Nostra Senyora.

-A Bèlgica es va publicar el primer diari en 3D.
-També hi han observatoris astronòmics importants, Beersel Hills Observatory, Cointe Observatory, Europlanetarium Genk i Royal Observatory of Belgium.
-Alguns inventors belgues serien:
-Etienne Lenoir, inventor del motor de gas
-Zénobe Gramme, inventor de la dinamo  
-Adolphe Sax, inventor del saxofon.
-Com a centres tecnològics tenim el National Scientific Research Fund i el Royal Institute of Natural Sciences també el enter for the Study of Nuclear Energy in Mol.




Himne: La Brabanzona

-La bandera va ser adoptada després de que Bèlgica es desannéxes dels països baixos.  
-Té el disseny vertical de la bandera francesa i els colors de l’escut del Ducat de Brabante.
