dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

Entrevista 1 Belga

La persona entrevistada és Melissa Tondeur de 36 anys, Belga-Escocesa, encara que va néixer a Escocia, ha estudiat i viscut quasi tota la seva vida a Brussel·les, allà treballava com a secretària executiva. Va arribar a Espanya el setembre del 2010 i aquí ensenya anglès a l’acadèmia Cambridge School. La hem triada perquè ja que és mitj belga i ha estat quasi tota la vida allà, coneix perfectament les costums d’aquell país i com és allà la vida.

1 What’s the first difference you noticed when you came to Spain?
Between Brussels and Spain? Yes Mmmmmm… First the weather the weather is much nice in Spain than in Brussels. A second difference? No, only the first. Ok.
2 Have you noticaisd, noticed, noticed any difference in the prices?
Yes, ahmmm, drinks, in cafés are much cheaper in Spain than in Brussels. For example a Coca-Cola is 2 € here… more or less and in Brussels it can go up to 3,50€. A glass of wine here is 2 € and in Brussels 4 €. Ehmm in  supermarkets it’s about the same price
3 Have you noticed any difference in the food?
Yeees, there’s a big difference. I don’t eat meat, I’m vegetarian and there isn’t a lot of vegetarian options in Spain. In Brussels a lot more.
4 Have you noticed any difference in people’s behaviour?
Yes, well….. (pensa 5 segons) in Spain… people are more opened to speak you in the street and in cafes, but it doesn’t go farther than that, they say to you “Oh you speak English! Where do you come from?” nice? And ehmm in Brussels they’re more distant.
5 Do you know any behaviour that in Belgium is impolite and in Spain isn’t impolite?
Mmmm I think in general, Spanish people are louder, they speak a lot louder, specially in the tables, than in Brussels, but there isn’t a huge difference between what is polite and impolite.
6 Can you tell us any Belgian custom?
Well I think… do you know what’s Maneken Pis? The little boy? Yes ah yes. He has costumes made and for national days, he wears the costumes. And costumes… now I can’t remember any custom more.
7 Can you tell us any typical Belgian food?
A typical Belgian food… Do you know what’s (stump ??) It’s very easy, it’s potatoes, mashed potatoes with carrots, sometimes with leeks, it’s a type of vegetable, also mashed. Also another food is mussels,  do you know what are mussels? Yes almejas I think.  OK if you say that… They are orange and… Ah mejillones.
8 When do Belgian people have lunch?
Ahh.. around 12:30.

9 And when do they have dinner?
Oh earlier than in Spain, around 19:00-19:30.
10 Can you tell us any Belgian festival or holyday?
We have independence day I think that it’s on 15th of July, I’m not sure. Ehh there are music festivals which happen in July. There’s two big music festivals, Werchter, it sounds Flemish because of the Flemish origin of Belgium, it’s a very important music festival which I sometimes enjoyed.
11 Do Belgian people follow any sport?
Football, they like football is the most important I think. Other sports?? Mmm tennis as well yes, we have two female famous tennis players… Ehhh.. Ohh how can’t you know then??. Justine Henin she’s French speaking but Belgian, and Kim Clijsters, she’s Flemish speaking but also from Belgium.
12 Which is the most spoken language in Belgium?
Aha, this is a big big problem in Belgium we have three official languages. Ehmm… I don’t know I think now is half and half French and Flemish yes? But Flemish is trying to push.
13 Which language did you use to speak when you were in Belgium?
Well I’ve lived all my life almost in Brussels, and I speak French. I learned Dutch in school, it’s an obligation but I speak French.

14 Do you know any popular dance from Belgium

Popular dance?? Nooo… they don’t dance

15 And can you tell us any popular Belgian song?

Belgian songs… I’m not quite sure I understand the question, song in French?. Like in Spain the Flamenco. Well… there’s quite few famous. But there isn’t any typical music.
16 The last. Which is the most famous place in Belgium.
In Brussels it’s the Maneken Pis and the Grand Place. Grand Place is a square in Brussels which is very old 1600 I think. It have the town hall. And if you look at it, if you are in Brussels and you look at the town hall the architect made a mistake when he designed the building. The tower had to be in the centre, but it is not. So he built it and he discovered the mistake and went to the top of the tower and he through himself down so he killed himself .
Ok we have finished, thank you very much for your help and… (final de la gravació)

Les preguntes que hem fet han estat la majoria per saber coses sobre la cultura de Bélgica. Més o menys ja sabiem quines eren les respostes. Ens ha sorprés lo de l’arquitecte que va saltar des de l’ajuntament, per exemple. Tampoc coneixiem les jugadores de tenis belgues que ens ha dit.
Per organitzar-nos, primer jo, el Ferran, vaig demanar al meu profesor de cambridge si conexilla algú Belga i em va dir que sí, que ja hi parlaria. Després de dos setmanes em va dir que jo podria parlar amb la persona Belga, també em va dir que no parlava Espanyol. Vaig anar un dia i vaig explicar a la Belga en Anglés qui erem, que feiem, si ens podia ajudar i vam quedar un dia. La Sara i el Ronald van fer 8 preguntes i jo vaig fer la resta i les vaig transcriure a Anglés.. L’Albert, jo i el Ronald vam anar a fer la entrevista i finalment jo la vaig transcriure.

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